Best Practices

Thomas Hanning outlines how to use the new defer keyword in Swift in his blog post.

Essentially, the defer keyword executes its block before exiting the scope it is contained within. It’s a great tool to ensure you do any clean-up code required, even if an error is thrown.

It’s almost like a deinit() block for your own functions!

Check out his full post here:

My Apps

BB Links App Launch – Day 1

My first app, written 100% in Swift, is live!

Day 1 downloads were 4,135—way beyond what I was hoping to achieve! And 99.9% crash free, and the 2 crashes that did occur weren’t due to my app. #bugfree

I didn’t do any press releases or use any app marketing sites. Word just spread like wildfire through the Team Beachbody network about my app starting yesterday morning once I shared it with some coach friends. I had Beachbody Coaches emailing me, messaging me, commenting on my social media—all thanking me profusely for releasing this app and ultimately saving them time and frustration in the future! I saw a problem and ventured out to solve it. 🙂

It’s a niche app (for Beachbody Coaches to help run their businesses), but feel free to check it out to see how it works!



Best Practices, Resources

Little Bites of Cocoa is a blog I recently discovered that offers some truly great bite-sized snippets of knowledge via a newsletter. It’s a good way to keep on top of new best practices and bits of knowledge.

In the latest newsletter, a bunch of handy Swift tricks were featured, with my favourite being this one:

It’s helped me cut way down on the pyramid of doom! And what’s even better is you can even throw in a condition using the where keyword to the end of the chain. 😍 brilliance.

Check out the rest here:


My First iOS App Is ‘Waiting for Review’!

I’m finally satisfied with a 1.0 version of my first iOS app, BB Links! I submitted it to the App Store for Apple’s approval a couple of weeks ago, but Apple had some questions that I had to answer after they had an initial look.  They’ve been sitting on it for 4 days now with my answers, so hopefully it goes into Review soon!

It was tough figuring out what I should and shouldn’t include in version 1.0. Try to do too much and it’ll never come out; do too little and its value isn’t immediately apparent. I’ve just got so many ideas floating around in my head for this app to help other Beachbody coaches find the information they need quickly and to take some stress off of them so they can focus on helping people get healthier! Win/Win!

I’ve been beta testing the app with a group of about 40 people (mostly Beachbody Coaches) and the response and enthusiasm about my app has been AMAZING. People love it and can’t wait for it to be released–that’s what this is all about: making software that helps people. I love it. I feel I’ve got the right launch features to make it immediately useful. 🙂

I’ve been toying with some new features and improvements for 1.1 as I wait for 1.0 to be approved. Problem solving is my forte so figuring out all of these little challenges in my app is fun and exciting!  I can’t wait to make this my career. 😀
