
Me and my dog

Me and my dog, Rocco!

My name is Justin Stanley. I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada with my husband, Shawn, and our dog, Rocco, and cat, Edward Scissor Paws (Eddy).

I graduated in 2006 from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Commerce, Honours degree majoring in Marketing and Human Resources. I had been working at The North West Company (a Canadian retailer) until early 2016 in various jobs in areas such as Category Management, Advertising, and Analytics/Insights.

I completed Red River College’s Software Development Certificate in early 2015 which taught me SQL, some beginner VB.net, Business Analyst fundamentals, and four courses worth of the Java programming language. I then taught myself iOS Development and Swift using the programming foundation I had learnt at college.

I created my first app BB Links as a way to learn and to solve some issues for Beachbody coaches. BB Links for iOS launched in January 2016 and has over 112,000 downloads as of November 2019. I launched the Android app (built with React Native) in June 2018.

In March 2016, I became a full time iOS Software Developer at SkipTheDishes! It’s amazing and I love it. I’m now one of the lead developers working on the React Native Courier app at Skip.

I’ve loved Apple products ever since I got my iPhone 3G and have wanted to make apps since. Once Swift came along, I decided to jump in on iOS app development and this is all about the journey!

LinkedIn: /in/justinstanley
Github: github.com/jstheoriginal
Twitter: @jstheoriginal